“Because we can’t be expected to parent without caffeine…or alcohol.”
Shout out to my fellow mummy and primary school friend, Casey! She has since relocated to Canada and is mummy to two wonderful boys. She started her blog, sharing parenting tips and product reviews. She also started a business of teaching baby sign language — something I’ve been a bit curious about but have not got down to trying on Emilee.
She conducted a little giveaway on Instagram earlier which I turned out to be one of the lucky winners. Frankly speaking, I was initially attracted to the Ju.Ju.Be x Hello Kitty changepad. Hey, but the other items are pretty awesome too especially the baby sign language quick reference guide and the teething toy.
Do check her blog out and if you’re really curious about baby sign language, do drop her a message and I’m sure Casey will be happy to help you out!